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Pure Primal - Hands and Heel Balm (Ginger & Patchouli)

Pure Primal – Hands & Heel Balm


Availability: In Stock

Bioidentical Free Range Tallow Balm – 50ml

The antioxidant qualities of Hands and Heels reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin imperfections, stimulate the growth of new cells and increase the skin’s resilience and elasticity.

On top of that it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, soothes inflamed skin and tightens pores.


Smooth, silky Hands and Heels in winter? Why on earth not?!

For this hand cream, we have blended choice essential oils into our buttery, free-range tallow and virgin, cold-pressed oils to hydrate and brighten rough, dry skin. When you feed your skin what it hungers for, you give it the tools to look after itself – the way it was designed to do.

The human skin and free-range tallow have so many things in common! Both contain fats which:

  • Help maintain skin cell integrity
  • Allow for easy absorption of nutrients
  • Contain the healing, fat-soluble Vitamins A, D, E & K

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Clementine & Verbena, Ginger & Patchouli

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